Welcome To My Web Portfolio

When I was a baby programmer — walking uphill both ways to coding school — the thought of having a portfolio online couldn’t have been further from my mind.  Even after I’d gotten more experienced and sophisticated, I thought portfolios were for artists and craftspeople.


It’s only recently that I realized that a portfolio of my programming work, especially the UI development and design, would be a necessary self-marketing necessity, rather than a vanity project. This way I get to show off exactly what I can do, the professional polish I bring to my projects, even the thoughtfulness of my code commenting.

(I’m a compulsive code documenter when I have the time.  Over the years I’ve blessed previous coders who’ve gone before me and left me clear clues as to what they’re referencing and why.  And, most importantly, when I’ve gone back to code I’ve worked on a month or two, or a couple years later when I have no conscious memory of working on something and found that I left a crucial explanation right when I needed it.)

What this site will do, aside from displaying some of my projects and code, is to be a showcase in itself for my skills with WordPress, a CMS that I would quite like to work more with.  I expect it will show some evolution over time as I go, adding in more features and wrinkles, fun tricks and links to items I admire.